Big-Time Bonuses For Everyone: The Firms That Are Spreading Their Immense Wealth
Which firms are showering *all* of their employees in cold, hard cash?
Which firms are showering *all* of their employees in cold, hard cash?
We know that lawyers are getting showered in cash, but what about their colleagues on the staff side?
Contracts are now integrated into an end-to-end system, and efficiencies abound.
We love to see it. Congrats!
This is what we love to see. Well done!
Cash is still the best way to say thanks!
Money is the best way to say thank you!
Recent CounselLink upgrades integrate the full in-house workflow with the broader suite of LexisNexis products.
Congratulations to all!
This Am Law Top 10 firm is spreading the love -- with money!
Here's hoping staff special bonuses spreads through Biglaw.
From training to technology, uncover the essential steps to futureproof your law firm in a competitive market.
Biglaw COVID appreciation bonuses -- they're not just for associates.
* President Trump seems to be addicted to lawyers, and maybe someday he'll be able to find another one like Michael Cohen who is "willing to sacrifice reputation, sanity, and perhaps a paycheck" to defend him. [Politico] * Proskauer Rose and Jane Doe, the partner who sued the firm in a $50 million gender bias lawsuit, will be entering mediation to see if they can reach a settlement. At the same time, limited discovery will take place as to whether Doe is an "employee" under the anti-discrimination laws cited in the suit. [American Lawyer] * Anthony Borges, a student who was shot five times while blocking a doorway to save other students during the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, has filed suit against Nikolas Cruz for for assault and battery. Perhaps we should be expecting more of these lawsuits in the future. [Sun Sentinel] * Parents whose children were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012 have filed a defamation lawsuit against Alex Jones of Infowars. Jones responded to the lawsuit going on a 10-minute rant on his show about how his lawyers thought the suit was frivlous. [New York Times] * Bonus season isn't over yet -- for staff members, that is. Mintz Levin recently awarded hundreds of its staff members with special bonuses to celebrate an increase in equity partner profits. [Big Law Business]
Hopefully these robust bonuses will help associates deal with their high health-care costs.
Who's getting a little extra in their next paycheck?